Well this opotunity I will talk about the Fiestas Patrias when was child. I remember this celebrations were very good and better than now, because before was more entertaining for the chidren. When I was child, in my neighborhood did more activities as "fondas and typicals games: "yincana", "sack races" and others. Too sometimes I went with my family Plaza de Armas, there make several activities. I remember much once when with my family (mom, dad and two brothers) went to Plaza de Armas, used to have a folk group, craft fairs and food stores. This day was very good. This date is important because was a family outing and we all had a nice evening. I always remembre this day. But this dates for my family are a little emotional because, my grand grandmother (bisabuela) died the 17 of September, 2001. She was more important in my life, I shared bedroom with her, we has the relation very close. In this dates with my family organize a liturgy in her memory. So this dates were not celebrated greatly. Also in my neighborhood left the celebrations and for several years did not celebrations, recent this year had some the organization and made activities for the children. But I think this celebrations are not like was before. Now are more boring and smalls. I not celebrate much this dates, but this year I celebrated and went out in several oportunities, different of other years. I hope like this post!
You have some different parties, because in any case spend the holidays with your grandmother, to make the liturgy in his memory. =).
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